Do you struggle to set limits in your life? Is it hard for you to say no? Do you have problems disallowing unhealthy people or patterns in your life? Is it difficult for you to share your opinion? Do you struggle to stand up for yourself? Do you fear that speaking your mind will result in confrontation or conflict? If you are a woman, I have a special invitation for you. … [Read more...]
Online Training Now Available!
I have recently partnered with Thinkific to offer online training opportunities for my followers. Take a look at current training opportunities here: You can create an account for free and check out free videos for some of the available classes. It's a great, user-friendly platform that I think you'll love! Let me know if you have any … [Read more...]
Trichotillomania and Excoriation
With the heightened anxiety of late, people are manifesting all sorts of coping skills, some of which are self-destructive. A couple I've seen more than once are trichotillomania, which is also known as hair-pulling disorder, and excoriation, which involves picking at one's skin, blemishes or scabs. Together, I'll refer to these as pulling and picking (P&P) disorders. Why do people do these … [Read more...]
There's a lot of buzz about inflammation these days. It has been linked to all manner of physical maladies, including everything from allergies to autoimmune illnesses to cancer. Put simply, inflammation is part of the body's immune response to harmful things, such as toxins, cell damage and various microorganisms, such as bacteria or viruses. Inflammation, in turn, can be a catalyst for the … [Read more...]
On The Death of George Floyd
In the past couple of weeks since the tragic and unnecessary death of George Floyd on 25 May, I’ve been both talking race in my therapy practice and researching race more often than usual. I’m trying to be informed, trying not to be naive. I have greatly enjoyed the respectful interchanges and the willingness of people of color to answer my questions. I can’t speak to what it’s like to be anything … [Read more...]
Spring, Summer and Suicide: It’s In the Air
MYTH: Suicide rates are higher around the holidays, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. FACT: December is the month with the lowest suicide rate. Starting in 1949, May was recognized as mental health month. The goal of this month is to raise awareness about the importance of mental health, decrease the stigma associated with seeking mental health treatment and provide resources for improving … [Read more...]
Depression Antidotes
Check out this video on some ways to fight depression. For a more comprehensive list of depression antidotes, see the full article here. DISCLAIMER: Material on this site is for informational purposes only. The content of this site is not intended to be a substitute for evaluation or treatment by a licensed professional. Information contained on this site … [Read more...]
Psychological Abuse in Relationships
Outside of some of the more obvious abuses and sins against a relationship, such as physical abuse, sexual coercion and infidelity, there are other forms of abuse that may not be so obvious to some. These include forms of psychological and emotional abuse. It’s not necessarily that people have had poor relationship role models and landed in a relationship similar to the one(s) they grew … [Read more...]
Up-Level Your Covid-19 Anxiety Management Game
Last time, we discussed anxiety management via creating greater control in your life by using scheduling. If that's working for you, skip this video. If you're feeling overwhelmed, take an honest look at your schedule and see what's really necessary in a given day. Let other things go. It's ok. If you're struggling to stick with your schedule, it's time to up-level your anxiety management game: … [Read more...]
Controlling Quarantine Anxiety
To watch a quick video of the article below, click here. Anxiety is a reaction to a perception of a loss of control. Read that again. The antidote for anxiety, then, is control. I want you to look at life as a continuum with acceptance on one end and change on the other. Some things we can’t do anything about and have to just accept. Other things, we can do something about, make a change in … [Read more...]