Have you ever wondered why you react so strongly to certain things? Why someone says a specific thing, acts a certain way toward you or doesn’t do what they say they’ll do and you lose your mind or otherwise have a big reaction that later seems disproportionate to the event?
Well, guess what? I can promise you it’s because at least one of your self-limiting beliefs is being triggered. Let’s look at a couple of examples here:
For instance, you’re in a relationship and your partner goes out with friends, which you agreed to, but then you’re rude and disrespectful to her when she comes home. Or maybe your partner goes out with friends, comes home later than expected and doesn’t call or return your texts when it gets really late and you’re trying to check in with him. When he gets home, you go off on him and rant and rave about him not caring about you, or maybe you even accuse him of cheating. Chances are, those situations are triggering your fears of abandonment. When that fear is triggered, like it or not, you are instantly transported back to when those fears arose. It’s not a conscious process, but it’s one that will continue if you don’t do something to overcome it by exploring and changing the self-limiting beliefs that lie beneath it.
Or let’s say your friend becomes really successful with an opportunity that was presented to both of you but that you decided not to take because of a fear of failure or even a fear of greatness. When you see her, she talks about how her career is rocketing to the next level and how she’s feeling so fulfilled and motivated, how she’s so happy that her hard work has paid off. You say that you’re happy for her but then you cry on your way home from her house and snark at your spouse or kids when you get home. But aren’t you happy for your friend? Yes, of course you are, but you’re also jealous, which is triggered by your self-limiting belief of not being worthy or capable of good things. You have to annihilate your self-limiting beliefs in order to respond differently to both the opportunities and the successes of others.
This is an excerpt from my Overcoming Your Self-Limiting Beliefs training. Get hours of content and several bonuses for just $47. Click here to find this class, as well as other paid and free training opportunities at The Psychoeducation Academy!