DISCLAIMER: Material on this site is for informational purposes only. The content of this site is not intended to be a substitute for evaluation or treatment by a licensed professional. Information contained on this site should not be used to diagnose or treat a mental health issue without consulting a qualified provider. The use of this website does … [Read more...]
Marriage on Autopilot
The other day, we were in the car headed to the airport. I looked in my bag to make sure I had my phone, and I could not find it but felt certain I threw it in there. Just as I was about to ask my husband to turn around, I set the bag back on the floorboard and found the phone sitting in my lap. To my credit, it did kind of blend in with the dress I was wearing. Ok, not really, but it did get me … [Read more...]
Life is Like a Rubik’s Cube
Last year, Santa brought our son a Rubik’s Cube. I forgot how much I love that thing! The minute I started manipulating it, I was transported to my dad’s recliner in my childhood home, the place where I spent many hours playing with that cube. I immediately got sucked back in to trying to solve it. So, I persuaded our son to let me play with the cube on a recent flight to Texas. As I struggled … [Read more...]
How can grandparents be so much better than they were as parents?
Tonight’s ATAQ: “How is it that a set of parents who did such a poor job, were neglectful, were abusive, etc. can be such a great set of grandparents?” Well, you could always ask them in a tactful way. If you don't want to do that or they don't have an answer for you, here are a few possibilities: They learned a few things from raising their own kids. They've mellowed out over the … [Read more...]
“Mommy Is the Murderer!”
"Mommy Is the Murderer!" If I told you that I said these words tonight to my husband and children at the dinner table, you would either be (hopefully) shocked and/or think I had gone insane. Well, I did say these exact words tonight after my chosen character in the game of Clue, Miss Scarlet, was found to be the one who murdered Mr. Boddy in the library with a rope. Once it became clear that … [Read more...]
Everyone has at least one in his or her life. That person who is just "drama" and creates it wherever he or she goes. We are all familiar with the phrase "drama queen," but I've found that there are also plenty of "drama kings" out there. Hence, the word dramamonger in the title, i.e. someone who deals in drama. There are many reasons that a person deals in drama. For some people, it's what they … [Read more...]
Everyone needs boundaries. Boundaries are the limits you set in your life to take care of yourself mentally and physically. Boundaries require assertiveness and the recognition of one's own emotional and psychological limits. Some people confuse assertiveness with aggressiveness and, as a result, don't set the boundaries they need to take care of or even protect themselves. Many people, in fact, … [Read more...]