Stop Gaslighting Yourself!

If you'd like this in video format, click here. Did you know that it takes about 5 positives to outweigh 1 negative in our minds? So, it's no surprise that we, as humans, tend to be quite hard on ourselves. (Plus, the devil is real, y'all!) Most of the thoughts we have as humans are repetitive and negative. So, when we perceive that we’ve made a mistake, it’s not uncommon for us to beat … [Read more...]

Mental Health Myths and the Military

By CPT Jennifer K. Paweleck, Chief of Community Mental Health Service, and Selina A. Jeanise, Health Promotion and Public Affairs, Raymond W. Bliss Army Health Center, Fort Huachuca, Arizona Note: This article was published in the early 2000s, while I was still on active duty. To my knowledge, all information is still current and relevant. People often have significant concerns regarding … [Read more...]

Depression Antidotes

Check out this video on some ways to fight depression. For a more comprehensive list of depression antidotes, see the full article here. DISCLAIMER: Material on this site is for informational purposes only. The content of this site is not intended to be a substitute for evaluation or treatment by a licensed professional. Information contained on this site … [Read more...]

PVC Podcast: Trauma, Part 2

So, Pastor Mark Grochocki of Palm Valley Church and I kept talking after Trauma, Part 1. He's a marriage and family therapist, so we ended up with a lot to talk about! Turns out, it was being recorded, so the team decided to post it. Hope you find it informative and helpful. Listen to "Episode 103 pt. 2: Mend the Mind" on Spreaker. … [Read more...]

PVC Podcast: Trauma

Check out this podcast I did with PVC's Pastor Mark Grochocki on trauma and its physical and psychological effects. The actual podcast has more than what's below. Listen to "Episode 103: Mend the Mind" on Spreaker. What’s your background and area of study?  I went to the University of Texas at Austin for my undergraduate education and then Baylor University in Waco for my … [Read more...]

This Letting Go Stuff Sucks!

The past few weeks have been about letting go for me. I've had to let go of people, money, sadness, regret, pride and fear. As I write this, I'm thinking, "Gosh, it sounds like a really awful few weeks when I write it all out like that!" But, you know me, I'm looking for what I'm supposed to learn and share with others! So, here goes...   The issues I've been letting go of were issues … [Read more...]

Shame, Sex and Love

Check out this amazing podcast with Alanis Morissette and trauma and recovery expert Pia Mellody from the Meadows. Great discussion about shame and so many other things! Here’s just a sample: “If you take on somebody else’s shame because they are being shameless, you wind up feeling worthless. That’s very, very toxic.… Your own shame feels like embarrassment or humility. It’s not a negative … [Read more...]

Lessons from Alice in Wonderland

In my opinion, Alice in Wonderland may very well have been written by someone under the influence of LSD. Nonetheless, I think there are some important lessons to be learned from the story. Here are 5 of the many… Don’t go down the rabbit hole. The rabbit hole represents uncertainty—you never know what you’re going to get, so it’s really best to steer clear of a possible trap. In other words, … [Read more...]

ATAQ: Who should get therapy, and how does it work?

Who should get therapy? I think everyone can benefit from therapy! I'm only a little biased. ; ) In all seriousness...God is the only perfect being, so that leaves room for improvement in the rest of us! We all have issues, baggage, luggage, cargo, freight, a U-Haul...whatever you choose to call it. I believe that when we stop growing and changing, we die--spiritually, emotionally, … [Read more...]

ATAQ: How do I let go of the past?

Letting go of things you’ve done or things that have been done to you in the past can be difficult. Let’s start with a definition of letting go to make sure we’re all on the same page. To “let go” of something doesn’t mean that you say that what you did or what was done to you is okay or no big deal, nor does it give you or the offender a pass. Like forgiveness, what it means is that you’re … [Read more...]