Outside of some of the more obvious abuses and sins against a relationship, such as physical abuse, sexual coercion and infidelity, there are other forms of abuse that may not be so obvious to some. These include forms of psychological and emotional abuse. It’s not necessarily that people have had poor relationship role models and landed in a relationship similar to the one(s) they grew … [Read more...]
Up-Level Your Covid-19 Anxiety Management Game
Last time, we discussed anxiety management via creating greater control in your life by using scheduling. If that's working for you, skip this video. If you're feeling overwhelmed, take an honest look at your schedule and see what's really necessary in a given day. Let other things go. It's ok. If you're struggling to stick with your schedule, it's time to up-level your anxiety management game: … [Read more...]
Controlling Quarantine Anxiety
To watch a quick video of the article below, click here. Anxiety is a reaction to a perception of a loss of control. Read that again. The antidote for anxiety, then, is control. I want you to look at life as a continuum with acceptance on one end and change on the other. Some things we can’t do anything about and have to just accept. Other things, we can do something about, make a change in … [Read more...]
COVID-19 and Anxiety
Check out this live I did with Pastor Mark Grochocki, another therapist, about psychological coping during the coronavirus outbreak. You'll hear specific coping skills for anxiety and answers to real-time questions submitted by viewers. You'll also hear the story of the silliness my 11 y.o. son is engaging in to keep things light during quarantine. (Note: No toilet paper was wasted in the making … [Read more...]
Truth vs. Transparency
In my office, when it comes to truth, I always say that there are at least 3 sides to every story: yours, mine and the truth (which is generally somewhere in the middle). Over the years, I’ve come to see truth as a largely cognitive concept, an intellectual pursuit. That is, your truth comes out of your perception, which is based on a set of cognitions, or thoughts, that you have in your mind … [Read more...]
What’s Your W.O.T.Y.?
Last January, a friend of mine posted that she was working on her Word of the Year (WOTY). When I first read this, I thought, “Oh, joy. Someone has created another pop psychology trend to sell special journals and stuff. It will take over social media for the next 30 days and then disappear overnight like a parking lot carnival.” But, I have to admit, the idea lingered in my mind… As I … [Read more...]
PVC Podcast: Trauma, Part 2
So, Pastor Mark Grochocki of Palm Valley Church and I kept talking after Trauma, Part 1. He's a marriage and family therapist, so we ended up with a lot to talk about! Turns out, it was being recorded, so the team decided to post it. Hope you find it informative and helpful. Listen to "Episode 103 pt. 2: Mend the Mind" on Spreaker. … [Read more...]
PVC Podcast: Trauma
Check out this podcast I did with PVC's Pastor Mark Grochocki on trauma and its physical and psychological effects. The actual podcast has more than what's below. Listen to "Episode 103: Mend the Mind" on Spreaker. What’s your background and area of study? I went to the University of Texas at Austin for my undergraduate education and then Baylor University in Waco for my … [Read more...]
This Letting Go Stuff Sucks!
The past few weeks have been about letting go for me. I've had to let go of people, money, sadness, regret, pride and fear. As I write this, I'm thinking, "Gosh, it sounds like a really awful few weeks when I write it all out like that!" But, you know me, I'm looking for what I'm supposed to learn and share with others! So, here goes... The issues I've been letting go of were issues … [Read more...]
White Fang
Last night, I watched White Fang with the kids. It was a really good movie. I’m sure many of you have read the original book by Jack London. For those who haven’t, I won’t spoil it for you, but the main character is a “wolfdog” that has three very different owners across his life. What I found interesting was the relative ease with which his personality changed from good to bad to good, depending … [Read more...]